Vastu is a Sanskrit word meaning “the science of architecture” that originated in India. It is the ancient Indian science of architecture and design, which has been used for thousands of years to create buildings that are harmonious with nature. Vastu can be applied to both interior design and exterior design, and it’s all about creating an environment that supports health and happiness.

It’s all about how a structure is built, how it’s aligned with the earth and sky, and what kind of energy that structure is emitting.

With the right design, you can create a home that not only looks beautiful but also feels good to live in a place where you feel comfortable and welcome.

When we design your luxury villas in Trichy, we take into account the direction of the sun throughout the day. We make sure that every room has its own entrance and exit, so there are no dark corners or dead ends to worry about. We also make sure that your home is as open as possible; this allows light to flow throughout your space without obstruction from any kind of furniture or clutter.

When you’re designing a home, you want it to be beautiful and functional at the same time. That’s why we offer our services to help you create the perfect home that fits your needs and your lifestyle perfectly.

We will work with you on every aspect of your new home: from the layout of each room to the placement of furniture within each room, even down to the color scheme of each room. We’ll work with you until we have created exactly what you need so that when we’re finished with our work together, everything feels right from top to bottom!

Vastu is a science that studies the flow of energy in a house. It’s based on the Indian concept of “Vasthu Vidya,” which translates to “knowledge about homes.”

When it comes to luxury villas in Trichy, people often forget that the most important feature of a property is its Vastu. The ancient science of Vastu can help you create a home that is not only beautiful and luxurious but also harmonious and peaceful. 

Here are 10 tips for making sure your luxury villa has the best possible Vastu:

10 tips for best possible Vastu

Bedroom direction 

South corner of the home

This is a good place to put your bedroom because it is the most auspicious direction. It is believed that if you sleep here, you will have a peaceful life and will not be harmed by any evil spirits or ghosts. However, this is not recommended for people who have an illness in any part of their body because they might get worse if they sleep in this direction.

North-west corner of the home

The northwest corner is another good place for your bedroom because it has positive energy. If it is possible, try to avoid putting heavy furniture in this corner as it will bring bad luck to everyone in the house.

Placement of the bed

Placement of the bed is a very important decision that you have to make while decorating your room. There are many different ways to place your bed and each one has its own unique benefits.

A common mistake people make when placing their bed is putting it on the south side of the room, which can make you feel claustrophobic and uncomfortable. The best place for your bed is on the southwest side of the room, which will help you sleep better at night.

Southeast and Northeast corners

These corners are not good places to have bedrooms because they are associated with death and illness. The Southeast and Northeast corners are good places for plants or decorations because they will help absorb negative energy from space instead of reflecting it back onto you like some other areas might do without proper care when decorating those spaces!

Mirror position in the bedroom

You’ve probably heard that mirrors work well on the North or East walls of a bedroom, but did you know that they should never face the bed? Ever.

Why is this? The reason is simple: mirrors reflect energy. If you have a mirror facing your bed, it will be reflecting whatever energy happens to be coming from your bed (if there’s any). What does that mean for you? It means that if anything bad is happening in your life and you have a mirror facing your bed, the mirror will start reflecting those things back at you – which means that your troubles will get even worse!

So make sure to always place your mirrors so they don’t face your bed.

Colors of the walls:

When it comes to painting colors, you want to be sure that you’re using colors that match your purpose. It’s important to choose the right paint colors for the bedroom so you can make the most of the space and feel relaxed when you’re in it. For the perfect bedroom, you need the perfect colors. 

Here are some recommendations for the ideal paint colors for your room:

the ideal paint colors for your room

For a child’s bedroom: Pastels are always a good choice for kids’ rooms, and they can help create a calm, relaxing environment that will make your little one feel safe.

For a teenager’s bedroom: Bright colors like red or orange can be a great way to add some energy to the space and make it feel more vibrant and fun.

For an adult’s bedroom: Warm neutrals like browns and tans can help create a relaxing atmosphere that is still very adult in nature.

For all bedrooms: White is always a good choice because it makes rooms look larger than they really are and makes them feel clean and fresh.

Flooring should be chosen with care.

Flooring is an important part of any home and one that can greatly affect the overall energy of your home. The color you choose for your flooring should be chosen carefully and based on your needs, as well as the rules of Vaastu. Tiles are a great way to bring Vastu into your home. 

Choose the right one:

 Firstly, try to use pale yellow and white tiles in the kitchen area of your house. These colors are considered auspicious in Vaastu, so they’re perfect if you want a happy home!

Secondly, If you have broken tiles or cracked ones then do not use them as it will affect your health and prosperity.

Now, I will discuss some of the related queries that everyone wants to know the most about.

How do you get rid of negative energy in a room?

If you have ever felt like there’s an “unexplainable” feeling in your home or workplace, you may have experienced negative energy. It can be hard to describe, but it might feel like there’s something “off” about the space you’re in.

Here are some ways to get rid of negative energy:
some ways to get rid of negative energy

Clean up the clutter. If there’s too much stuff around, it can bring down your mood and make you feel overwhelmed or stressed out. Try clearing out some cabinets or closets and making some room for new things. You’ll see an immediate difference in how you feel!

Open up the windows. If there’s too much clutter in your space, but also if it’s stuffy or dark… open up some windows! Let the fresh air in, and let all those bad vibes out!

 Change the lighting. If there are lights that are always on, try switching them out with some softer ones. You can also use candles or even dimmers on overhead lights to change the mood of a room.

 Decorate with plants! Plants help balance out the energy in space by absorbing negative ions and releasing positive ones into the air around them. They also make a space feel more inviting and cozy!

Get outside! Even if it’s just for 20 minutes every day, getting outside into nature will make you positive.

Which incense is best for cleansing?
Which incense is best for cleansing?

If you’re looking to cleanse your space and get rid of negative energy. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite incense for cleansing.

Blue sage: Blue sage is a great choice for clearing away negative energies. It’s also said to bring good luck and protect against evil spirits.

Lavender: Lavender is known as an herb of peace. It’s said to promote harmony in your home or workspace, and it smells amazing!

Sweetgrass: Sweetgrass is known as “the medicine that brings peace” because of its calming effect on the mind and body

Juniper: Juniper has been used as a cleanser since ancient times. It’s said to purify the air in your home when burned regularly. It also smells wonderful!

How do I protect my front door from negative energy?

protection from negative energy

To protect your front door from negative energy, you can try one of these options:

How do you know if you have positive energy?

 You may be wondering how you can tell if you have positive energy. If you do, it’s important to know that this kind of energy is something you can cultivate. 

 In this article, we have shared the Vastu tips for luxury villas in Trichy. We hope that these tips will help you to make your home more beautiful and peaceful. 

The wrapping of this article is that Vastu for luxury villas in Trichy is a very important factor to consider when building a home. It can make a huge difference in the way your home looks, feels, and functions. If you have already built your luxury villas in Trichy, then it’s never too late to take the necessary steps to improve its structure through Vastu.